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UIC News Tips
University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Public Affairs (MC 288)
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607-7113, (312) 996-3456, www.uic.edu/depts/paff

October 19, 2000 Contact: Andrea Forrest (312) 996-3457; aforre1@uic.edu
  Bryant Payne (312) 355-2523; bpayne2@uic.edu



The University of Illinois at Chicago's School of Architecture will host a symposium to consider creative opportunities in the development of UIC's new buildings using the principles of sustainable design. "Toward Sustainable Design at UIC" will examine alternatives in energy-efficient, sustainable "green" buildings on the campus of UIC.

"Green design could be a new direction for campus buildings," says Betsy Vandercook, assistant director of facilities management. "Designing new buildings to be more energy efficient and less polluting would make UIC a leader in sustainable design as well as a good neighbor."


Monday, Oct. 23
9 a.m. -12:30 p.m.


Chicago Circle Center
Illinois Room
750 S. Halsted St.


David Orr, author of "Earth in Mind" (1994) and "Ecological Literacy" (1992) and professor of environmental studies at Oberlin College, will present a case study of Oberlin's new Center for Environmental Studies. Attention will be given both to its cutting-edge, energy efficient design and the political maneuvering needed to construct such a building on a college campus.

The symposium is co-sponsored by the Institute of Environmental Science and Policy, the Green Campus Council, City Design Center and the Great Cities Institute. Advanced registration is required.

For additional information contact Gary Miller at 312-413-1780; gmiller@uic.edu

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