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EARTH MONTH 2001 For the second year, UIC will celebrate Earth Month with a wide range of environmental speakers, events and activities. Organized by UIC's Green Campus Council and cosponsored by 30 departments and organizations, Earth Month 2001 at UIC will cover topics from sustainable design to global warming, from the dangers of mercury to safer pesticide use. "The events are designed to educate the university community and to involve everyone in the critical environmental issues affecting our campus, our region and our world. Above all, the month's efforts are collaborative, involving women's programs, public health professionals, student activists and many others in creating a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable planet," says Betsy Vandercook, assistant director of Facilities Management and co-chair of UIC's Green Campus Council. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. For persons with disabilities who need special accommodations in order to participate in an event, call 413-5070 at least one week prior to the event. Monday, April 2 Pre-Tax Qualified Transportation Program: There's a new benefit for UIC commuters who ride the CTA, Metra, Pace, South Shore and VPSI vanpool! You're already helping to save the environment by not driving to work-now you'll also be able to save money by paying commuting expenses with pre-tax dollars, up to a maximum of $65 a month. Come learn more at one of four information sessions, 9 or 10:30 a.m. in Chicago Room A of the UIC Chicago Illini Union, 828 S. Wolcott Ave.; or 1 or 2:30 p.m. in Room 605 of the UIC Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted St. Monday-Wednesday, April 2-4 The Great Stuff Exchange: Faculty, staff and students can donate unwanted supplies or pick up needed items for free. Examples of exchangeable items are books, binders, pens, mousepads and staplers. UIC's Micro/Station also will be collecting spent batteries, CDs, jewel cases, diskettes, transparencies and toner cartridges for recycling. For more information, call UICycle at 996-2517. 11 a.m.-2:00 p.m. daily in the south lobby of the UIC Chicago Illini Union, 828 S. Wolcott Ave. Tuesday, April 3 Climate & Energy Speaker Series: UIC's Student Environmental Alliance presents Jennifer Johnson, global warming campaign director for the Chicago chapter of the Sierra Club. 1 p.m., Room 301, Lincoln Hall, 707 S. Morgan St. Wednesday, April 4 Climate & Energy Speaker Series: UIC's Student Environmental Alliance presents Dick Carhart, UIC professor of physics, to discuss energy alternatives. 1 p.m., Room 301, Lincoln Hall, 707 S. Morgan St. Thursday, April 5 Lecture and Opening Reception: L. Hunter Lovins, CEO of Rocky Mountain Institute. "Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution." Earth Month and Women's Heritage Month at UIC combine to celebrate the contributions of women environmental activists to the health of our planet. Cofounder and co-CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute in Snowmass, Colo., Lovins develops strategies for sustainable development and energy-efficient technologies. She was named a "Hero for the Planet" by Time magazine for Earth Day 2000 and is in frequent demand to advise corporations and governments. Please join us to learn about a future that can be economically sound, ecologically sustainable…and definitely possible. Reception and book-signing to follow. Noon-2 p.m., Room 605, UIC Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted St. Monday, April 9 Lecture and Reception: Virginia Dale, Ecologist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. "Principles of Land Use Management." Virginia Dale has worked on projects worldwide, from vegetation recovery following the eruption of Mount St. Helens to addressing tropical deforestation in Southeast Asia and the Brazilian Amazon. Currently a member of the National Academy of Sciences Ecosystems Panel and faculty member at the University of Tennessee, Dale will speak on her research in land-use change, forest succession and ecological modeling. Light refreshments will be provided. 2-3:30 p.m., Room 4289, Science and Engineering Laboratories, 950 S. Halsted St. Tuesday, April 10 Brownbag Lunch Speaker: Alexis Cain from the USEPA. "Mercury and the Environment." Mercury is an extremely toxic substance that harms humans and wildlife. Learn more about the environmental dangers of mercury and what the EPA is doing to reduce its use. Find out why participating in UIC's household thermometer exchange is an important first step that you can take! Noon-1 p.m., Room 613, UIC Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted St. Wednesday & Thursday, April 11-12 Household Mercury Thermometer Exchange / East: This past fall, over 800 glass mercury thermometers were brought to campus by UIC faculty and staff and exchanged for new, safer digital thermometers, free of charge. If you missed this opportunity, you'll get a second chance as UIC's Office of Environmental Health and Safety along with the University Health Service will hold a second exchange-this time on the east side of campus. Check your medicine cabinets and bring in your glass thermometers during this two-day exchange. For more information, call 413-2140. 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Wednesday, 2nd floor, UIC's Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted St. (outside the EpiCenter Bookshop); 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Thursday (in the Wellness Zone-see below). Thursday, April 12 The Wellness Zone: Enter the Wellness Zone in the UIC Chicago Circle Center Concourse and the Xilo Zone in the Plaza for outdoor rock climbing. One of four "zones" organized by UIC's Wellness Center, the Earth Zone is committed to providing education and fostering awareness about becoming better stewards to our planet. Highlights include a recycling challenge, thermometer exchange, bike-commuting essentials and student environmental group information. Come early for a free environmental t-shirt! Be kind to yourself. Stop by and get involved! Call 413-2120 for more information. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., First-floor concourse, UIC's Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted St. Monday-Friday, April 16-20 Bike Week at UIC: Help UIC win the Campus Commuter Challenge for the second year. And help reduce air pollution at the same time. Bike to campus-or to a transit station en route to UIC-during Bike Week. The Chicagoland Bicycle Federation will be awarding a brand-new bike to the local college or university with the best percentage commuting by bike during the week. UIC's Parking Services, the UIC Cycling Club and the Bike Working Group of UIC's Green Campus Council have planned a week of activities to encourage you to commute by bike, including: free food and drinks for bike commuters; bike registration with the UIC Police; and a chance to win fabulous prizes, such as gift certificates from local restaurants and bike shops, plus the new bike itself (if UIC wins the Challenge)! 11 a.m.-2 p.m. daily, West Entrance, UIC's Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted St.; South Entrance, Chicago Illini Union, 828 S. Wolcott Ave. Friday, April 20 EarthFest: Relax, have fun and learn while celebrating at this year's EarthFest, sponsored by the Student Environmental Alliance and Circle Greens. Join UIC's student environmental groups and other activist organizations from around Chicago for the music of Fetters Grove, vegetarian food, and more! 11 a.m.-2 p.m., East Forum (outdoors), UIC's Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted St. Saturday, April 28 Safer Pest Control Conference: Chicago's Safer Pest Control Project and the U.S. EPA Region 5 will be holding a free community-outreach conference to provide information on illegal pesticides, how to hire a good pest control company, landlord and tenant issues, and more. Congressman Danny Davis to keynote. For more information or to register, call 312-641-5575. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Chicago Rooms, Chicago Illini Union, 828 S. Wolcott Ave. Earth Month 2001 at UIC is cosponsored by: Green Campus Council, Student Activities Funding Committee, Institute of Environmental Science and Policy, Urban Health Program - Graduate College, UICycle Waste Reduction and Recycling Program, Office of Women's Affairs, Center for Research on Women and Gender, Wellness Center, Environmental Health and Safety Office, Student Environmental Alliance, Parking Services, Alumni Association at Chicago, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, Great Cities Institute, Student Affairs, Campus Housing, University Health Service, City Design Center, Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Public Health, Safer Pest Control Project, Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women, Gender and Women's Studies Program, Institute for Math and Science Education, Jane Addams College of Social Work, UIC Police, the Micro/Station, and Circle Greens. - UIC - |
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2001 University of Illinois at Chicago