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UIC News Tips
University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Public Affairs (MC 288)
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607-7113, (312) 996-3456, www.uic.edu/depts/paff

May 24, 2001 Contact: Jeffron Boynes, (312) 413-8702, jboynes@uic.edu

Editors: Photo op. available

Parents honored for learning and mentoring


The UIC Family Start Learning Center will recognize area Head Start and Child Care parents for their commitment to lifelong learning and education at its annual recognition breakfast.


More than 250 parents, UIC faculty, Chicago Department of Human Services and Head Start staff will attend the breakfast. Other participants include:

  • Timothy Shanahan, director, UIC Center for Literacy
  • Victoria Chou, dean, UIC College of Education
  • Ray Vazquez, commissioner, Chicago Department of Human Services
  • Ruby Smith, director, children's services, Chicago Department of Human Services
  • Maureen Meehan, assistant director, UIC Center for Literacy


Tuesday, June 5
Breakfast 9:30-10 a.m.
Program 10-11 a.m.


UIC Chicago Circle Center, Illinois Room
750 S. Halsted St.


The UIC Family Start Learning Center's annual parent recognition breakfast will recognize parents who have enrolled in the center's programs to develop their own skills (basic reading skills, GED prep, computer training, career and education planning, English as a second language), and participate in family literacy programs to support their children's education and literacy development.

"Parent involvement in their children's education is essential, and this program is providing the finest parent education in the city," said Timothy Shanahan, director of the UIC Center for Literacy, one of the program partners. "Parents expand their own literacy skills for the workplace and they learn how to help their kids do well in school."

Under Shanahan, the UIC Center for Literacy and the Chicago Department of Human Services joined forces in 1996 to expand the Family Start Learning Center programs. Shanahan has been recognized for his teaching and community-service efforts. He co-developed a nonproprietary family literacy program with Flora Rodriguez-Brown, UIC professor of education, that was selected as an "Academic Excellence Program" by the U.S. Department of Education.

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