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UIC News Tips
University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Public Affairs (MC 288)
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October 10, 2001 Contact:Anne Dybek (312) 996-8279; adybek@uic.edu



"Can I Have a House with a Door? Indian Women and Development." Hemalata Dandekar, a distinguished scholar of urban planning and globalization, will present a lecture as part of the University of Illinois at Chicago's "Gender and City Spaces" lecture series.

Dandekar will examine the complex meanings of access to home and shelter for women within the context of evictions, demolitions and other displacements resulting from runaway urbanization and modernization in India. Based on a 20-year longitudinal research project, the multimedia presentation will compare the experiences of rural and urban women in the first and third worlds.


Oct. 12
2 - 4 p.m.


UIC Institute for the Humanities
Basement, Stevenson Hall
701 S. Morgan St.


Dandekar is a professor of urban planning and former director of the Center for South and Southeast Asia at the University of Michigan. Her recent publications include "City, Space and Globalization: An International Perspective" (1998) and "Men to Bombay, Women at Home: Urban Influence on Village Life in Deccan Maharashtra, India, 1942-1982" (1986).

Sponsored by the UIC Gender and Women's Studies Program.

For more information, call (312) 413-7629 or 996-2441 or email jlangdon@uic.edu

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