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UIC News Tips
University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Public Affairs (MC 288)
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607-7113, (312) 996-3456, www.uic.edu/depts/paff

April 11, 2001 Contact: Paul Francuch (312) 996-3457; francuch@uic.edu



The University of Illinois at Chicago's department of bioengineering presents a symposium on interdisciplinary research aspects of regenerative medicine.

Regenerative medicine is a new and developing approach to healing that uses microscopic biological building-blocks such as genes, cells and proteins, coupled with bioengineered materials and technologies, to repair damaged or diseased body tissue and organs.


Tuesday, April 24 8 a.m.-noon


UIC College of Medicine
West Tower (corner of Polk and Wolcott)
Room 119A


"Electrotherapy of Wound Healing: Elucidation of Mechanisms." Michael Cho, UIC assistant professor of bioengineering

"Biohybrid Therapeutic Microsystems." Tejal Desai, UIC assistant professor of bioengineering

"Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells." Steve Devine, UIC assistant professor of medicine

"Distraction Osteogenesis: How Forces Grow Bone and Cartilage." Jeremy Mao, UIC clinical associate professor, orthodontics

"Pancreatic Islet Transplantation." Cristiana Rastellini, UIC assistant professor of surgery

"Bone Regeneration and Orthopedic Implants." Rick Sumner, professor, Rush Medical College The symposium is open to the general public.

For further information, contact Tejal Desai at 413-8723; tdesai@uic.edu

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