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UIC News Tips
University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Public Affairs (MC 288)
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607-7113, (312) 996-3456, www.uic.edu/depts/paff

January 30, 2001 Contact: Jody Oesterreicher (312) 996-8277; joest@uic.edu


Anyone interested in facts and figures on the health and welfare of women and girls in metropolitan Chicago can visit the UIC Research Information Network Web site.

The network, based at the UIC Center for Research on Women and Gender, has compiled and put online the "Year 2000 Status of Woman and Girls in Chicago Report."

The report is organized into eight chapters:

  • Demographic Information
  • Issues that Impact Girls and Young Women
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Violence and Crime
  • Economic Issues
  • Higher Education and Extracurricular Activities
  • Women and Leadership
  • Issues that Impact Senior Women

The report provides answers to thousands of questions; for example, what are the differences between male and female elementary and secondary school students? What are the top five causes of death for females living in Chicago? What percentage of Illinoisans work for women-owned firms? What drives some women into prostitution? What are the most common fields of study by gender in Illinois? Who are the women leaders in philanthropy?

"We hope that this new information source will be especially useful for elected officials, their staffs and other policy makers," said Alice Dan, director of the UIC Center for Research on Women and Gender. "We know that they often need information in a hurry and have designed the site to meet this need."

Visitors can email RIN@uic.edu if they are unable to find answers to their questions, and receive a response within 48 hours. "Though we can't answer all questions, our Web site includes numerous research links to reliable resources," said Sarah Shirk, project manager.

The Chicago Community Trust and the Chicago Foundation for Women funded the "Year 2000 Status of Women and Girls in Chicago Report."

Visit the UIC Center for Research on Women and Gender Web site for more information or call (312) 413-1924.

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