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UIC News Tips
University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Public Affairs (MC 288)
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607-7113, (312) 996-3456, www.uic.edu/depts/paff

May 17, 2001 Contact: Bryant Payne (312) 355-2523; bpayne2@uic.edu



"Transgender Research Forum." Results from Chicago's first-ever assessment of transgender health and social service needs will be released today by UIC's Jane Addams College of Social Work, in conjunction with the Chicago Department of Public Health's Office of Lesbian and Gay Health.

Gretchen Kenagy, UIC assistant professor of social work, interviewed over 120 people from Chicago's transgender community, examining their medical needs, HIV/AIDS knowledge, social support and various health-related issues.

"Chicago's transgender community is incredibly diverse, and not all transgender people have the same health and social-service needs. This study is the first step in understanding their needs," said Kenagy. "My hope is that this study will suggest areas for further research while equipping service providers with the information they need to implement transgender-specific services and programs."


Saturday, May 19
1-4 p.m.


Chicago Bar Association
321 S. Plymouth Court

2nd Floor, Corboy Hall


The forum will include a presentation of the study's results, a panel discussion by the study's interviewer and a question-and-answer session.

"I think it's important to attach a face to what we've learned. No one is better able to speak to the needs and issues than transgender people themselves," said Kenagy.

Kenagy has replicated a needs assessment that was originally conducted in Philadelphia.

"The Chicago Department of Public Health is excited to be the cosponsor of such an important event," said Lora Branch, director of the Office of Lesbian and Gay Health. "We are fortunate to have the experience and research of Gretchen Kenagy here in Chicago and we see this forum as something from which many can benefit."

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